The Dispatch

Juniors buckle down to take ACT

Picture taken by Katie Hurley

Picture by: Katie Hurley

Juniors took the ACT Test on Tuesday, April 28 in various classrooms to test their college readiness.

The ACT is scored differently than other tests, making it possible for test takers to earn points, not lose them.

“I like the way they score it because you don’t lose points necessarily, you gain them to add them to your final score and that gave me more confidence going into the test,” junior Christina Carrillo said.

While students had confidence going into the test, there were some parts that were questionable to them, for example, the science portion for the ACT.

“The test was fine, but the science portion was hard and I didn’t enjoy that part,” junior Ryan Martin said.

Some students found it hard to study between regular school work and after school activities.

“I tried my best to study all night every night, but with homework and other extra after school activities going on for this week, it was hard to find time to study effectively,” junior Carter Goldsworthy said. “I just had to go in with the right attitude and do my best, but I think I prepared enough for the big test.”

The test is considered to be a college placement exam.

Correction: Wording

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