The Scene

Juniors and seniors to participate in upcoming election

Election-Pic_EditAs the current president’s stay in the White House is slowly dwindling down the next presidential election is gaining speed.

The current juniors and seniors at the school will be able to participate in the upcoming election.

“At the moment I am deciding whether or not I will participate in the elections,” junior Carter Goldsworthy said. “Their past actions and choices don’t compel me to vote for them.”

So far many politicians have announced their candidacy for the election causing many people to think that it’s getting over crowded.

“It feels a bit over crowded right now, but I know when it comes to the actual campaigns and elections that the candidates will be narrowed down,” senior Alexandra Dillmore said.

Even this early in the campaign people are already guessing who will win the election.

“At the moment Hillary Clinton has the best shot,” Goldsworthy said. “She is the most well-known candidate and she already has experience running for president too.”

With the increase of candidates, however, more and more people simply don’t care.

“The more candidates they add the less I could care about the election,” Dillmore said. “Sooner or later two or more candidates will have the same idea and it just gets repetitive.”

Republican Elephant & Democratic Donkey 2016  by DonkeyHotey licensed by  CC by 2.0


Correction Statement: Capitalization and Wording

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